Monday, March 19, 2007

Long Day at the Office, eh?

After a particularly rough day at the office, a guy drives by his favorite bar for a quick drink. But things get out of control and before long he’s as drunk as he’s ever been. He looks at his watch: "Oh shoot, I've got to get home to my wife and kids!" He pushes his chair back from the table and stands up, only to fall flat on his face. Once again he tries to stand up, but his legs just aren't cooperating. "I've never been this drunk before," he giggles to himself.

Slowly he manages to get up on all four and determined to get home, he begins to army crawl. After what seems like hours, he reaches his front door, manages to get the door open, and quietly slips into bed next to his lovely wife.

The next morning he awakes to the angry face of his wife. "You got drunk again last night, didn't you?" she says.

He puts on his best poker face and says, "Honey, I love you more than anything. I swear to you from the bottom of my heart I didn't drink last night. I just had a very long and hard day at the office."

"Well, I love you and I want to believe you," the wife says. "But the bartender called and said you left your wheelchair at the bar."