Monday, January 22, 2007

The Miracle

Mabel was 92 years old and had always been a faithful member of Father MacGuire's congregation. One day last fall, she had taken ill, and Father MacGuire noticed that she had not been coming to church lately.

It was now early spring, and Father MacGuire decided he had better go out to Mabel's place to see if she was alright. When he got there, Mabel greeted him at the door, the picture of health, bouncing like a spring chicken. She invited him in, and she explained that she had been sick in the fall, but she had quite a miraculous recovery and was now feeling better than ever. She offered to get him lemonade, which he accepted.

While she was in the kitchen fetching the lemonade, Father Macguire looked around the room, and noticed that her home was decorated with lovely antique colonial furniture, including a handsome pump organ against one wall. On top of the organ sat a bowl of water, which appeared to have a condom floating in it. He did a double take, cleaned his glasses, and looked again. Indeed there was a condom floating in the water in the bowl atop the organ.

He tried to ignore it, and proceeded to have a pleasant chat with Mabel when she returned with the lemonade. After a while, it was time to leave. But before he did, he asked her, "Mabel, it has been lovely chatting with you, and I look forward to seeing back in church. But I've just got to find out one thing - what *is* that in the bowl?"

"Oh, that? That's a miracle!" said Mabel.

"A miracle? How so?" asked Father.

"Well, one day back when I wasn't feeling so well, I gathered up my strength to go for a short walk to get some fresh air. Near the bushes I found this little package. On the label it read 'For the prevention of disease, place on organ and keep moist..."